
Indonesian Institute for Sciences or LIPI states that Indonesia’s marine potential if converted to currency could reach up to Rp1,772 trillion (US$124 billion).

Oceanography Research Center, under Indonesian Institute for Sciences (LIPI), puts coral reefs and marine ecosystem health as its focus of research program following this year’s theme on Earth Day, “Protect Our Species”.

Indonesia Institute of Sciences, or LIPI, is currently developing sponge, sea cucumber, seaweed, and other marine organisms for cancer cure.

Indonesian scientists develop a wireless sensor to monitoring landslide and ground water extraction technology to prevent landslide on rainy season.

Institute of Critical Zoologist (ICZ) revealed at least 350 new species unidentified in the relatively new island, Pejantan Island.

A recent study revealed that Indonesia’s carbon emission is 19 percent less than current data acknowledged by UN’s panel of scientists.

By Tim Radford Via Climate News Network LONDON, 20 July – Rising temperatures could be bad news for people with bad lungs. Two new lines of research are bleak reminders […]