circular economy
The circular economy is an option to strengthen the economy without burdening the environment. In this perspective, waste has economic value through a series of management processes. Indonesia may have […]
Dalam mewujudkan World Without Waste dan mengedepankan penerapan circular economy, Coca Cola Indonesia menyerukan gerakan Plastic Reborn.
Jakarta (Greeners) – Sebagai perusahaan swasta yang memiliki niat bertanggung jawab atas produk kemasan yang dihasilkan, Tetra Pak Indonesia, perusahaan pemrosesan dan pengemasan makanan dan minuman, mengumumkan komitmennya untuk menerapkan […]
Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Issues, Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Environment and Forestry launch a collaboration dubbed Global Plastic Action Partnerships in the effort to reduce plastic waste pollution.
Pemerintah Indonesia membentuk Kemitraan Aksi Plastik Global atau Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) yang terdiri dari berbagai kalangan untuk menanggulangi pencemaran sampah plastik.
Untuk mengurangi sampah dari penggunaan tenda sekali pakai, perusahaan Above All C6 (n) menciptakan tenda yang dinamakan Pod (o). Tenda berbentuk kapsul ini terbuat dari material plastik sekali pakai yang didaur ulang.
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries encourages circular economy dubbed as blue economy in the industry to support the government’s commitment to tackle waste issues and increase added values.
KKP mendorong ekonomi melingkar (circular economy) di sektor perikanan untuk mendukung komitmen pemerintah dalam menanggulangi sampah sekaligus menaikkan nilai produk perikanan.
Developing circular economy is the focus of Ministry of Environment and Forestry to tackle waste issue. The concept is expected to reduce waste volume in landfill and creating new economic opportunities.
Konsep ekonomi melingkar (circular economy) diharapkan dapat mengurangi timbulan sampah di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) sekaligus menciptakan kesempatan ekonomi baru.
Three cities of West Java, — Bandung city, Cimahi, and Bandung district, are targeted to be pilot projects of zero waste cities concept.
Green watchdog slammed large bottled water companies for doing less than expected to manage its plastic wastes.
Amid current waste management still using old method, a senior official of Ministry of Environment and Forestry claimed to launch a new economic model called circular economy where wastes can be re-used and have high values resulting to reduce waste volume.