Jakarta (Greeners) – Sepanjang tahun 2022, para peneliti dari California Academy of Sciences serta berbagai kolaborator international telah menemukan sebanyak 146 spesies baru, mulai dari hewan, tumbuhan dan jamur. Penemuan […]
Jakarta (Greeners) β Belenggu aktivitas buruk manusia mendominasi kepunahan satwa dan puspa. Hal ini tidak hanya terjadi di dunia tetapi juga di Indonesia. Para ahli menyakini, satwa dan puspa mampu […]
Balitbangda Papua Barat mempublikasikan hasil penelitian terbaru yang menyebut Pulau Papua sebagai wilayah dengan keanekaragaman hayati terkaya di dunia.
Keanekaragaman hayati semestinya dijadikan pilar pembangunan di bidang pangan, kesehatan, energi, dan perbaikan lingkungan hidup.
Indonesia dapat menjadi negara sejahtera jika mampu memanfaatkan keanekaragaman hayati. Namun, Profesor Endang Sukara menilai datanya masih belum jelas.
Indonesian Botanical Garden Foundation (YKRI) has been encouraging to extend the roles of botanical gardens in Indonesia, for not just limited to research purposes.
Indonesia’s Defense Ministry and Indonesia Biodiversity Foundation (KEHATI) are planning to establish a laboratory specific for bamboos.
Ministry of Environment and Forestry along with Police, District Attorney, and Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (PPATK) encourage for Money Laundering Law to impose harsher punishment for illegal wildlife traffickers.
Secretary General at Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Bambang Hendroyono: “There should be an integration between ministries and agencies to protect and make benefits of our biodiversity.”
East Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency announced Javan banteng (Bos Javanicus) had been declining for the past four years, between 2013-2016, after monitoring in three areas.
Indonesia will participate in the 13th Biodiversity Convention (COP CBD) in Cancun, Mexico, in conjunction with the 8th Cartagena Protocol and Second Meeting of Nagoya Protocol.
The finding of a finless porpoise in Kubu Raya waters, of Padang Tikar subdistrict, West Kalimantan province, had added the marine biodiversity importance to the area.
Lack of protection for biodiversity in Indonesia has led to theft or local genetic resources for foreign interest dubbed as biopiracy.