WWF: Countries Further Support Needed For Paris Agreement

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Jakarta (Greeners) – The twenty first session of Conference of Parties (COP 21) of UNFCCC has officially closed with countries agreed to adopt Paris Agreement.

International NGO, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), stated that Paris Agreement would be the foundation for long term effort in tackling climate change.

Furthermore, WWF said that the agreement reflected countries’ attitude in setting aside their own personal interests. The strong message of Paris Agreement is the awareness and new act to cooperate in dealing with impacts of climate change, to ac progressively, and to reach the common goal of protecting vulnerable groups around the world.

Nevertheless, WWF said that Paris Agreement still need to be strengthened and supports from each country to reach the target of reducing emissions and keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius or even 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Currently, all INDCs were only covering half of required emission reduction with remaining 12 – 16 Giga tonnes.

Dr. Efransjah, CEO of WWF Indonesia. said that WWF welcomed Paris Agreement for including crucial elements in saving the world from worst impacts of climate change. The agreement also described attentions on proteting vulnerable groups and Indonesia’s interests.

“Paris Agreement has included global goals in climate change adaptation followed by mentioning lost and damages over climate change impacts,” he said in a press release to Greeners, in Jakarta, on Sunday (13/12).

In addition, Paris Agreement also explained that all countries must act to reduce deforestation rate, land degradation, and sustainable land management. The agreement had also included baseline to measure carbon emissions in Indonesia, which was already launched its Indonesia National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS) during COP 21.

Besides reducing deforestation and land degradation, Efransjah said that other effort need to be taken was global transition on clean and renewable energy.

“It is also important that how countries, including Indonesia. to implement commitment in their INDCs systematically and responsibly. The involvement of civil societies in the delegation under Minister of Environment and Forests is step moving forward to achieve better forest management,” he said.

Director of Communication and Advocacy, WWF Indonesia, Nyoman Iswarayoga, added that low carbon development should be implemented through cooperation between non government agencies and business people, city administrations and wider public. The result in Paris is a good example. The process is creating public awareness on the importance of global scale collaboration to deal with climate change issues.

“Paris Agreement target all countries to report their achievements on agreed outcomes of COP21 by 2018 comprise of reducing emissions, adaptation and funding,” said Nyoman.

Reports by Danny Kosasih
