Jakarta is Home to 13 Endangered Birds

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Burung Bangau Bluwok (Mycteria cinerea)
Burung Bangau Bluwok (Mycteria cinerea) termasuk ke dalam 13 jenis burung yang dilindungi undang-undang. Ibu Kota Jakarta menjadi salah satu habitat bagi burung yang terancam punah ini. Foto: flickr.com

Jakarta (Greeners) – Not many Jakartans are aware that the city is home to at least 13 endangered birds as stipulated by the 1990 Law on Conservation and 1999 Government Regulation.

Capture Nature Jakarta, Cap(na)ture, recorded 58 types of bird of which 13 types are protected by the law, 28 types of dragonfly, 29 types of butterfly, 17 herpetofauna species, 8 mammals, and seven fungus.

“Based on its extinction status, one type of bird is listed as critically endangered which is the yellow-crested cockatoo. One type is listed as endangered such as milky stork, and three vulnerable types, which are red-breasted parakeet, javan plover, and oriental darter,” said Ahmad Baihaqi, coordinator of Cap(na)ture) in Jakarta on Saturday (14/11).

In addition, Ahmad or Abay, said they also found rare fungus in Jakarta, such as bamboo fungus (Phallus indusiatus) and the city’s nearly extinct mascot flora, due to Ciliwung river normalization, salak condet.

“Salak condet is now can only be found in Balai Kembang of South Jakarta and Batu Ampar or East Jakarta as they are close to riverside,” he said.

The findings have been documented in a book dubbed ‘Raid Jakarta, Uncover The Capital’s Biodiversity Potentials’. The book was filled with pictures and explanations to identify the species. The event was initiated by Biodiversity Warriors KEHATI Foundation in collaboration with Biology Faculty, National University and Green Map Jakarta Community, along with Biological Science Clud (BScC), Indonesia Wildlife Photography, and Jakarta Birdwatcher Society (JBS). The book, said Abay, has yet to include all biodiversity of Jakarta because observations did not cover all green spaces in the city.

Reports by Danny Kosasih
